Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CESAREFEST: Tribesmen by Adam Cesare

Cesarefest is an ongoing celebration of the career of Adam Cesare, one of the best horror writers today. His newest book, Exponential, comes out on December 2nd and we'll be having a look at his bibliography every week until then.

Tribesmen was released in 2012 and it was actually my introduction to Cesare. If you like Italian exploitation films from the 70s like Cannibal Holocaust and so on, you'll love this. It is largely a homage to that sort of thing but, like all great homages, it is terrific on its own.

Tribesmen is fast, gory, funny and fun. It isn't Cesare's best book but its so hard to decide what his best might be, as you'll see in the weeks to come. Cesare has one of the most unique voices in horror and you can see that voice here.

Tribesmen rocks and you need to run over to Amazon and grab the new edition of it with the amazing new cover art. Pick up everything by Cesare while you're there and don't forget that his newest, Exponential, hits in just a couple weeks!

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